the wet weather will continue 意味

  • 雨天はまだ続くでしょう


        wet weather:    雨降り{あめふり}、雨天{うてん}
        brace for more wet weather:    いっそうの雨天{うてん}に備える
        wet british weather:    雨の多いイギリスの気候{きこう}[天候{てんこう}?天気{てんき}]
        wet weather flow:    
        wet-weather flow:    雨天下水量{うてん げすい りょう}
        hope for good weather condition to continue explorations:    調査{ちょうさ}を継続{けいぞく}するために良い気象条件{きしょう じょうけん}を期待{きたい}する
        wood that only grows in hot wet weather:    高温多湿{こうおん たしつ}の気候{きこう}でのみ生育{せいいく}する森
        continue:     continue v. 続く, 続ける. 【副詞1】 It continued an hour. 1 時間続いた We will continue our strike indefinitely. われわれはストライキを無期限に続行するつもりだ Research into these materials has continued intermittent
        continue in:    《コ》~に引き継がれる
        continue into:    ~へ連なる[続く]
        continue to:    (行動{こうどう}?習慣{しゅうかん}などを)し続ける He continued to play loud music even after the police asked him to stop. 警察がやめるように注意したにもかかわらず、彼はうるさい音楽を鳴らし続けた。
        continue with:    ~を続ける、~を推進{すいしん}する、~にこだわり続ける
        to continue:    to continue 続ける つづける 通す 徹す 透す とおす
        no wet:    水ぬれ注意
        to be wet:    to be wet 潤む うるむ 湿る しめる


  1. "the westward drift of the huns" 意味
  2. "the westward movement of the american people in the 19th century 19" 意味
  3. "the westward spread of the united states" 意味
  4. "the wet garment clung heavily to her body" 意味
  5. "the wet places in the ceiling" 意味
  6. "the whale gulps huge mouthfuls of seawater together with masses of small shrimp and fish" 意味
  7. "the whale is sometimes erroneously described as a fish" 意味
  8. "the whale is vulgarly supposed to be a fish" 意味
  9. "the whale lashed its tail strongly up and down" 意味
  10. "the wet garment clung heavily to her body" 意味
  11. "the wet places in the ceiling" 意味
  12. "the whale gulps huge mouthfuls of seawater together with masses of small shrimp and fish" 意味
  13. "the whale is sometimes erroneously described as a fish" 意味

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